I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter, we are just so blessed to live in our little piece of paradise here in the Redlands!

This year marked the 21st year we have been delivering our delicious hot cross buns to our highly valued “clients for life”, and what a mammoth effort it is!

Our new clients are quite shocked (in a good way) to realise we were actually giving them something free, who does that? Well, we do!

Why do the team personally spend days driving around delivering buns (and mangoes at Christmas) you ask? We believe our job is not just to sell your home, take our commission and that’s the end of the relationship. We have made some very long-lasting, true friendships with our clients, some I have personally known and helped for over 30 years in this industry!

Some people scoff and say “Oh, that will only last for a year or two”, but that’s not the case at all.

As one of our lovely clients commented: “Thank you Simon and team for the delicious hot X buns, I’m still in awe of you guys, it’s nearly 10 years since you and your wonderful team sold my house. Thank you for all the lovely treats throughout the year, I do appreciate them.”

Of course, we couldn’t do our run without the help of the amazing staff at Woolworth Alexandra Hills. Jana and her team in the bakery put in extra long hours to ensure the 1,300 packets of buns we need are always cooked fresh and are so delicious!

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May be an image of text that says "Simon Salm PROPERTY SALES HAPPY EASTER HOT CROSS BUN RUN"
May be an image of 5 people, people standing, car, outdoors and text
Our job doesn’t stop when we hand over your keys, we help wherever and whenever we can. We support so many local businesses and simply love giving back to our community. We are currently in preparation for our Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea promotion where we invite our clients to join our table and help support the Cancer Council’s Redlands Branch raise some much needed funds. This year’s event will be held once again at the Cleveland Courthouse on Wednesday, 24th May.

In short, like every industry, not all real estate agents are the same. I look at it this way, once you find a good Accountant do you use their services for one year then find someone else, or do you return year after year because they gave you great service, got you a fantastic tax refund and their after-care service was top notch?!

Remember, if you need any real estate help or advice, we are just a phone call away.

All the best, Simon.