This year marks the 30th year the Cancer Council Queensland has been organising Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea (ABMT), and what a wonderful milestone this is!

What exactly is the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea?

The ABMT is a community event that raises vital funds to make a big difference for those impacted by cancer. 1 in 2 Australians are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85 and the Cancer Council Queensland want to change that statistic. Every cuppa makes a difference!

The Simon Salm Team are privileged to be a part of this very worthwhile cause and each year we attend the Redlands Volunteer Branch’s function held at the Court House Restaurant in Cleveland. The Court House has been hosting this event for 26 years now, what a huge effort.

Yesterday we had two tables filled with our team and our special VIP clients Sue, Lyn, Rose, Deborah, Bruce, Bev, Bec, Lyn, Kay, Vic, Jules, Anne, Luke and Glenda who all enjoyed a delicious lunch, entertainment, an wonderful talk by Olivia Chissell, stacks of raffle prizes and, of course, excellent service from the restaurant staff.

Over $2,100 was raised on the day with more money still to be counted. So far, these events have raised nearly $5,000,000 for this very vital cause with the funds going towards cancer research, support services and cancer awareness programs.

Cancer touches nearly everyone’s lives in one way or another and our team is no exception. Karen was diagnosed with cancer nearly 5 years ago and Kathy had her own diagnosis earlier this year. We are happy to say both our beautiful ladies have been given the “all clear” and are so thankful for the wonderful treatment they both received at the Mater Cancer Care Unit and from Dr Jason Lambley in Cleveland.

Should you wish to make a donation, please go to, any amount no matter how small is very greatly appreciated!

Remember, if you are thinking of selling or need any real estate help or advice, I am just a phone call away.

All the best, Simon